We’re working to end animal testing for cosmetics in the United States and Canada
Cruelty Free International leads the largest global campaign to end animal tests for cosmetics and other consumer products. We are calling on the United States and Canada to modernise cosmetics regulations to end cruel animal tests. And we’re asking them to match international progress and consumer expectations for safe and cruelty free cosmetics.
Although we’re still campaigning hard for federal legislation, we have seen positive progress across North America, where we continue to apply our proven campaigning approach by:
- Lobbying politicians and governments to ban the use of animals in cosmetics testing
- Encouraging regulators to accept non-animal tests
- Mobilizing compassionate citizens through high profile campaigns
- Enlisting the support of Leaping Bunny approved cruelty free cosmetics companies
We’ve also raised the profile of the issue across North America with celebrity endorsements
United States campaign
Despite progress in humane product testing and overwhelming support from the public to end animal testing for cosmetics, the United States still has no national law prohibiting the use of animals for cosmetics testing.
We’re working to make sure that the United States catches up with modern advancements, consumer expectation and global progress to ensure that cosmetics are safe and humane.
Public opinion
Our polling with SurveyUSA in 2019 showed that an overwhelming 79% of people across the political divide in the US would support a new federal law ending cosmetics animal testing, with 45% expressing strong support.
It's time to end cosmetics testing in the US!
With our backing, the Humane Cosmetics Act (HCA) was reintroduced into the US legislature in 2019 by a bipartisan group of legislators led by Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) in the Senate, along with Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ), Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). In the House the bill was led by Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) along with Reps. Vern Buchanan (R-FL), Paul Tonko (D-NY), Ken Calvert (R-CA), and Tony Cárdenas (D-CA).
The bills would ensure that companies in the United States end the use of animal tests for cosmetics. Sadly, the bill ran out of time when new elections were held. Our team is now busy making sure that the HCA is reintroduced again as quickly as possible. If the bill were enacted, it would end the use of new animal tests for cosmetics and would also mean that selling cosmetics newly tested on animals would be prohibited.
Our efforts to secure cruelty free cosmetics bills in states across the US are contributing to a building momentum for nationwide action. Here’s a summary of our amazing progress to date.
June 2019: Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act is signed into law in Nevada
August 2019: The Illinois Humane Cosmetics Act is signed into law
January 2020: Cruelty free cosmetics laws enter into force in California, Nevada and Illinois
March 2021: Virginia Cruelty Free Cosmetic Act passes
April 2021: Maryland Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act passes
April 2021: New York Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act reintroduced
April 2021: Hawaii Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act passes
June 2021: Maine passes law prohibiting the sale of new animal tested cosmetics
You can help! Ask your Representative to support the US Humane Cosmetics Act!
It’s time for a cruelty free Canada
We’ve been campaigning for a cruelty free Canada since 2013, and, whilst progress hasn’t been as fast as we would like, our persistent efforts are bringing an end to cosmetics animal testing in Canada ever closer.
August 2013: Following our success in the European Union, we reached out to the new Canadian Minister of Health to open a dialogue about matching the EU’s cosmetics animal testing prohibitions.
February 2014: With The Body Shop, we call on the Canadian Government to ban animal testing for cosmetic purposes and deliver a petition of one million signatures from customers and supporters worldwide to Parliament Hill.
March 2014: With the help of Elizabeth May MP, Leader of the Green Party, we create a new petition for Canadian citizens to directly take part in the political process and bring their concerns about animal testing for cosmetics directly to the floor of the House of Commons.

Animals shouldn't suffer for the sake of beauty. I am proud to join Cruelty Free International in urging Canada to end cosmetics testing on animals
June 2015: We welcome the introduction of the first Canada Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act (S-234) by Senator Carolyn Stewart-Olsen to prohibit the use of animals in cosmetics testing and the sale of cosmetics involving new animal testing.
December 2015: We applaud the re-introduction and strengthening of the Canada Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act (S-214) by Senator Carolyn Stewart-Olsen. The improved bill includes prohibition on animal testing for cosmetics done inside and outside Canada’s borders.
June 2018: With The Body Shop, we host a rally on Parliament Hill joined by MPs from all political parties and hand in the largest petition delivered to Parliament in over 70 years with over 630,000 Canadian signatures supporting a ban on cosmetic animal testing.
June 2018: Just weeks after our historic rally on Parliament Hill, the Canadian Senate passes S-214 (Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act), and we step up our lobbying efforts to get the Bill introduced in the House.
November 2018 to January 2019: We intensify our work with stakeholders and meet with the office of the Minister of Health in support of Bill S-214 (Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act).
In the run-up to the 2021 general elections in Canada, both the Liberal and Conservative parties pledged in their election platforms to act to end cosmetics animal testing. Our team is working closely with a cross-section of partners to secure a government-sponsored bill to be introduced as soon as possible.
Our polling in Canada in 2020 showed that an incredible 88% of Canadians would back a federal law to prohibit cosmetics animal testing.
The Canadian public can play an important role in speeding up the process by contacting Members of Parliament to let them know that it’s time to end cosmetics testing on animals in Canada.