Spanish laboratory responsible for shocking unlawful animal abuse and suffering allowed to continue testing

We are angered and dismayed by news from Spain that the Comunidad de Madrid has lifted the suspension on animal testing at the contract research facility, Vivotecnia.
We are also concerned by claims that experiments at the laboratory were never fully stopped.
In April, we released findings from a major undercover investigation at Vivotecnia revealing shocking levels of cruelty and animal suffering in breach of European and Spanish law.
But today it was revealed that a suspension announced immediately following our revelations only affected new projects, and that Vivotecnia had been allowed to continue with experiments already underway. The Madrid Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food has now decided that animal tests at the facility can now all resume despite ongoing legal action by Cruelty Free International and a number of Spanish organisations.
Kerry Postlewhite, our Director of Public Affairs, said: “The Comunidad de Madrid consistently failed to respond to our requests for a meeting and more information about the fate of animals still being held at Vivotecnia following the findings we released of shocking and systematic animal abuse.
“It now appears that the local authority’s claims to have suspended animal experiments at the facility were hollow. We urge authorities in Madrid, Spain and Europe to listen to public demand and remove the animals. We ask all who haven’t done so yet to sign the online petition calling for the laboratory’s closure.”
Latest News and Updates from Vivotecnia
No response from Madrid authorities on status of animals at Vivotecnia
subtitle: We call for closure of laboratory responsible for shocking and unlawful animal abuse